Evidence based optimum nutrition for optimum immunity - a fresh start for your health and wellbeing?
The past 6 months have not been easy. While some people have taken advantage of more time to cook and exercise, others have found this more challenging, with working at home, having the kids around, and needing to produce three meals a day – sometimes it’s hard to find the motivation!
The numbers of cases of COVID-19 are on the rise and lots of people are asking whether the immune system can be "boosted" through diet.
This is a very relevant question for all of us wanting to give ourselves and our loved ones the best chance of fighting off the coronavirus as we move into the Autumn. There is a lot of misinformation about a boosting our immune systems, simply what you want is a healthy immune system, operating at its best. If you have a boosted immune system, it’s in ‘overdrive’ and this state is associated with conditions like autoimmune diseases. What we do know is that optimum nutrition is the key for optimum immunity.
There is also clear evidence that maintaining a healthy weight, an active lifestyle and a balanced and varied diet has huge benefits - reducing risk of cardio-vascular diseases, certain cancers, diabetes, improving your mental health – and even leading to better outcomes for Covid patients.
With the kids finally returning to school and our work life finding a new normal and winter approaching, this may feel like a good time to reassess your health and well-being.
I am now offering consultations on ‘optimum nutrition’ for individuals or families which will look at your diet and lifestyle and help you make sustainable and lasting changes.
I feel passionately that this does not mean you have to have a restrictive boring diet, food is one of the pleasures of life, and eating a balanced varied diet means no food is off limits - moderation and balance are key. I have a range of delicious and healthy recipes to suit even the fussier eaters.
Any ‘Optimum Nutrition’ consultations booked in September will only cost £55 for individuals and include a 45 min remote or socially distanced consultation and personalized diet and lifestyle recommendations. (Please get in touch for family rates – remote consultation)
5% of all consultations will go to SOFEA www.sofea.uk.com in Didcot, which distributes Fare share food waste to those in need around Oxfordshire, runs the Community larder in Didcot and supports disadvantaged young people with education and life skills.
If you would like further information, on ‘Optimum Nutrition’ consultations or any other nutritional consultations please do get in touch for a free initial chat.